Agricultural technology, especially higher yielding and adaptable crop varieties have the potential to not only improve food security but also accelerate and transform African agriculture and economies. However, the slow adoption of new technologies, from improved seeds through to mechanization, has delayed realization of the benefits of these technologies by smallholders who make up 80 percent of Sub-Saharan Africa’s farms. This deficiency is in part due to an under-developed private sector and the failure of market systems to bring new technologies swiftly to the end users.
Improving and streamlining the market systems in the region will produce substantial benefits to the agriculture sector by reducing the cost of doing business for all players in the agricultural value chain including farmers, seed companies, agro-dealers and consumers. Making markets work for African agriculture and helping farmers to access new technologies and inputs could spur a transformation of the wider economy.
Through our Market Systems for Commercialization Programme, we are focused on facilitating efficient market systems that respond to demand and supply of technologies. This ensures that smallholder farmers have the necessary inputs at the right time, right quantities and right quality. In the long run, this improves productivity and we assist the smallholder farmers with linkage to output markets. The result will be efficient market systems that will accelerate uptake and use of agricultural technologies for improved livelihoods of smallholder farmers.
Farm Productivity
Policy Environment and Public Participation
Market Systems for Commercialisation
Nutrition, Food Quality and Post-harvest Management
Mechanisation and Digital Agriculture

AATF believes that building a more efficient, sustainable and inclusive ag¬riculture system in Africa will require action from both the public and private sectors. The private sector is particular¬ly well-placed to commercialise new ag¬ricultural innovations and ensure that these new technologies reach farmers. We work across the value chain to en¬sure that the market systems function efficiently and effectively so that agri¬cultural products make it to where they are needed most.

Product Development Initiatives
We work with partners throughout the product development lifecycle identifying products in the research and development pipeline and helping to shepherd them towards a commercial release, including product allocation, licensing, seed production, promotion and marketing.

Facilitation of Strategic Partnerships
We foster collaborations with public and private actors across the value chain, including research institutes, universities, national and regional governments, technology owners, farmers, agro-dealers and financial institutions. This way, we ensure that the technologies are developed in line with current market needs and are suitable for the future of farming.

Capacity Building
We support private sector companies including SMEs to enhance their capacity to deliver agricultural technologies to smallholder farmers. This includes capacity building in licensing, efficient mass production systems, quality control, marketing, and technical knowledge of the products as well as general business development.
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